London: Somerset House

ScreenSkills is committed to embedding inclusion into everything it does. These are the accessibility arrangements in place at Somerset House, London.

London: Somerset House

Venue location

Somerset House, Strand, WC2R 1LA

Building information and facilities

Event rooms: 

Portico and Navy board rooms on first floor

Lifts and ramps:

The venue has six floors and three lifts.

Lift 2 will be in use on the event day and the lift measurements are as follows: 

  • Door width= 100 cm
  • Depth = 145 cm
  • Height = 215 cm
  • Width = 158 cm
  • Max Weight = 1,000kg or 13 persons

The venue is fully accessible for users with a wheelchair. There is a ramped entrance through the stamp entrance or the café entrance then straight up in a lift to the first floor.

Stairs and steps:

The Nelson Stairs have 30 steps comprising; 19, a landing, and then a further 11.


Accessible toilets are located on the ground floor. They are accessible from the first-floor event space by lift.  

Baby changing facilities are on the ground floor

Quiet space:

There is a quiet space on the first floor, next to the event room. Please speak to ScreenSkills staff wearing a bright pink lanyard for more information.

Assistance for guide dogs:

Somerset House will provide water bowls and the nearest green space is embankment Gardens which is a five minute walk.


The venue doesn’t have a hearing aid induction loop in-house, however ScreenSkills will be providing this on the day of the event.

Flashing lights/strobe lighting:

The event space does not contain flashing lights and/or strobe lighting.

Further information:

Virtual tour of event spaces: The portico and navy board rooms

This information was provided by 07 Feb, 2023