Diversity and inclusion target setting policy

This diversity and inclusion target setting policy follows the recommendations of the ScreenSkills’ diversity and inclusion targets review conducted by Professor Doris Ruth Eikhof (University of Glasgow) and team.

More information can be found in the two review reports:

All ScreenSkills representatives who are involved in target setting are required to read and understand this policy and abide by it. ScreenSkills will review this policy at regular intervals and reserves the right to update or amend it. It is intended that this policy is fully compliant with the relevant legislation. However, if any conflict arises between the legislation and this policy, ScreenSkills will comply with the legislation.

Scope of the policy

This policy applies to targets relating to:

  • Participants in ScreenSkills’ training and skills activities (whether directly delivered or commissioned from training providers)
  • ScreenSkills’ workforce

The policy will also be used as a basis for discussion with funders who set targets for ScreenSkills.

Why we use diversity and inclusion targets

Targets are tools to help ScreenSkills (us/we) achieve the following purposes:

  • Create and nurture an inclusive talent pool with the rich mix of skills which are vital for creativity, employability and productivity
  • Equity and fairness

By using targets, we aim to:

  • Help align the screen industries’ workforce more closely with the UK’s working age population
  • Encourage inclusive behaviours and systems within the screen industries
  • Ensure ScreenSkills’ services are fair and equitable

When we set a target, we understand it to be an aim not a quota.

What is the difference between diversity targets and inclusion targets?

Diversity targets relate to tackling under representation - that is addressing the gap between the proportion of people with a particular characteristic within a group. E.g. the number of people who are disabled within a team, company or service user group, and the proportion of people with the same characteristic in the wider population. For example, people who are disabled are underrepresented in the television and radio workforce because they make up 21% of the UK labour force but only 9% of the TV and radio workforce. 

Inclusion targets relate to inclusive practice and usually aim to address how people are treated or represented within a group. For example, while there may be equal numbers of men and women in an organisation, if there is a pay gap between the two groups inclusion targets may be set with the aim of closing the gap. Other examples include targets to address individual experiences (e.g. whether people who are disabled feel able to disclose their disability and request what they need), organisational interventions (e.g. opportunities for promotion) or on-screen narratives. ScreenSkills sets both diversity and inclusion targets.

Diversity and inclusion monitoring

ScreenSkills collects information from our users about their individual characteristics, the activities they undertake and their progression in the screen industries. This data constitutes our monitoring data. We use the data to understand how inclusive our services are (including in meeting our targets) and to inform diversity and inclusion target setting.

We are committed to publishing annual reports using our monitoring data so everyone can see how we are doing, and to provide information that will support diversity and inclusion in the screen industries. ScreenSkills also collects monitoring data on its own workforce.

Principles for diversity and inclusion target setting

Our targets will be:

  • Specific - stating clearly what they aim to:

a) address,
b) achieve, and
c) over what period

  • Evidence based - this means providing specific evidence as to why the target is needed, and stating what measures we will use to see if the target is having the desired effect
  • Set as a target range, rather than a single number
  • Aspirational - inspiring and prompting action for change
  • Achievable - taking into account what is within an organisation’s power or remit
  • Accountable - stating how they will be reviewed and reported on, and who is responsible for taking the actions necessary to achieve them

Process for target setting

  • Identify the scope (e.g. all ScreenSkills’ services or a particular training initiative)
  • Examine the relevant baseline data to find out the current position (e.g. using ScreenSkills monitoring data, or data relating to the screen workforce)
  • Compare the baseline data with the appropriate reference data (e.g. ONS/Census UK labour force or working age data, see below for further information)
  • Identify under-representation and/or issues of inclusion
  • Decide what to prioritise and why
  • Set a target range and provide a written rationale
  • Consult and review
  • Sign off target range, assign accountability, and set date for review
  • Monitor and report

Data used to set targets

The primary source of population data is the Census, or the Annual Population Survey (APS) if Census data is considered not recent enough (likely from five years after a Census onwards). Both these data sources are compiled by the Office of National Statistics (ONS). ONS analysis provides general population, working-age and labour-force statistics.

ScreenSkills will maintain a library of relevant data and will publish data recommended to be used in target setting annually, drawing on the recommendations in Professor Eikhof’s review.

When selecting appropriate reference data for target setting ScreenSkills will use labour force statistics first and working-age population or general population figures only where labour force statistics are unavailable. This follows the lead of Project Diamond when reporting on monitoring figures for workforce diversity (off-screen roles).

Diamond prioritises labour force statistics as reference data to compare access to the broadcasting labour market with access to the labour market generally. The assumption is that if that comparison showed the broadcasting workforce to be less diverse than the national labour force, that finding would suggest the existence of broadcasting-specific barriers to labour market participation and advancement. ScreenSkills considers it reasonable to take the same approach. ScreenSkills will work with other screen organisations to seek to standardise the data and methodology used to set and monitor targets.

Setting diversity and inclusion targets

Planning for diversity and inclusion targets will follow the ScreenSkills Business Planning cycle. Organisation-wide targets will be proposed by the CEO to the Board every five years - or in alignment with the ScreenSkills Strategy. When other targets are agreed (e.g. at sector, programme, or service level), consideration will be given to the impact on the overall targets.

Targets set for training organisations by ScreenSkills will be set in consultation with them. In all cases ScreenSkills will seek to apply the principles for diversity and inclusion target setting set out in this policy (see relevant section above).

Reviewing targets

ScreenSkills will:

  • Undertake a light-touch check on the principles of good target setting for participant diversity or inclusion targets on shorter, recurring interventions, approximately once every two years
  • Review targets for longer interventions and its overall diversity and inclusion targets every five years and adjust target levels/ranges where appropriate, including to reflect updated reference data


A publicly available annual report drawn from ScreenSkills’ participant data collection will underpin ScreenSkills target setting and will extend the evidence base for diversity and inclusion in the UK screen industries.

Guidance on implementing this policy will be provided to all relevant ScreenSkills staff.