Effective practice in on-line learning
Drawing on lessons learnt from lockdown, this course aims to explore and evaluate a range of digital approaches, e-learning tools and websites with direct reference to their relevance in improving trainee engagement and achievement on screen industry courses. It will help you to develop your skills and confidence, both in terms of digital content creation and the curation of resources that can be found online.
The session will start at 10:00 and end at 12:00. There will be regular breaks and the room will be open from 9:45 for anyone wanting to test their connection/ chat with others before the session starts. To actively participate, you will need access to a webcam and microphone (both of which are often already built into laptops), or you can plug in a headset.
If you haven’t used zoom before, please download it to your device you will be using for the sessions in advance. You can download and use the software for free from the zoom website.