HETV access, approaches and actions foundations training
We hear the word "access" a lot, but what does it actually mean? Are your company and crew unsure what access looks like and how to work with people who are deaf, disabled and/or neurodivergent? This foundation course can set you on track to a more inclusive, confident future.
The course explores access and inclusion of DDN (deaf, disabled and/or neurodivergent) creatives throughout the screen industries, providing a blueprint approach to terminology, access implementation and employment for the HETV industry.
Because the training sessions are led by DDN creatives who work in the industry, they always include real-life examples and lived experiences.
TripleC will send a short survey to attendees in advance of the session to ensure that specific questions and concerns are covered and that the content is pitched at the appropriate level to match the knowledge base and experience of the attendees.
These sessions are delivered online only.
Next date: 19 Oct 2023 13:00 - 14:30 Online
Further dates: 27 Nov 2023 10:00 - 11:30 Online
Who it's for
This training is for freelancers currently working in High-End Television.
What it covers
The session explores:
- Language and terminology
- What is access?
- Examples of different access requirements
- Actions and solutions that you can put into practice
How to apply
Please apply by clicking on the link which will take you to Triple C's website to express an interest in the date and training.
You will then be sent a link to sign you in and confirm you for the training.
TripleC will ask you to let them know any access requirements that you have in relation to the training as part of the booking in process.
Contact information
Name: Katy Boulton
Email: katy.triplec@gmail.com