Series Producer Programme 2025

A man holding up his hands covered in mud, stood in front of palm plants.
The Misadventures of Romesh Ranganathan (c) BBC, Rumpus Media Ltd
A man holding up his hands covered in mud, stood in front of palm plants.
The Misadventures of Romesh Ranganathan (c) BBC, Rumpus Media Ltd
17 Jun 2025, 00:00 - 30 Jan 2026, 00:00
Exact training dates and times TBC.
Application deadline
23 Apr 2025
Target job roles
Producer (Unscripted TV)
Producer director
Series producer
Career stages
Experienced, Expert
Unscripted TV
ScreenSkills funded
  • Are you an experienced producer in unscripted TV seeking your first SP credit, or working in your first series producer role?
  • Are you based in the Nations & Regions?

Then the seventh edition of the prestigious Series Producer Programme, funded by the Unscripted TV Skills Fund and delivered by TRC could be for you.

Running from June 2025 to January 2026, the Series Producer Programme is designed to support significantly experienced producers and early-stage Series Producers looking to bridge gaps in their experience. This programme will empower new Series Producers based in the Nations and Regions with the confidence and skills needed to establish themselves and succeed on network production, creating the next generation of showrunners for UK television.

This training programme is funded by the ScreenSkills Unscripted TV Skills Fund which invests in training for the unscripted workforce thanks to contributions from broadcasters, SVoDs and production companies. 

Who it's for

The Series Producer Programme is a training programme for experienced unscripted TV professionals who:

  • Have significant experience as a television producer, or be working in their first role as a series producer.
  • Are based in the Nations and Regions (those based in London or the South East are not eligible).

If you have any questions regarding the criteria or exceed the stated criteria but still feel the programme would be beneficial to you, please email

We always welcome applications from under-represented groups, including, but not limited to: those from Minority Ethnic Groups; people with a disability; people from the LGBTQ+ community and those from lower socio-economic backgrounds.

There is a fee of £900 associated with the course. You may be eligible for a bursary, for more information please contact the project manager:

For the in-person training sessions, accommodation will be provided where required. In addition, a travel expenses bursary will be available to all successful applicants.

Want to learn more about whether this programme is for you, read about the experiences of one of the alumni of the last programme.

What it covers

The overall aim of the Series Producer Programme is to develop the skills and confidence of the participants enabling them to build successful and sustainable careers as sought after series producers or showrunners based in the Nations & Regions.

As well as gaining exclusive access to leading broadcasters and commissioners, delegates will receive training on a variety of topics including: creativity, production, business, personal style leadership skills through a series of:

  • In person training sessions held in national/regional hubs depending on the make-up of the cohort
  • Online training sessions
  • Online masterclasses/ workshops/ case studies from senior production/ broadcast personnel
  • Exceptional access to leading commissioners
  • Increased industry knowledge, network and profile

Participants of the Series Producer Programme will also benefit from:

  • A free festival pass to attend the Edinburgh International TV Festival 
  • An assigned industry mentor (an experienced and trusted advisor for six months following the programme).

How to apply

Click ‘apply now’ at the top of the page and follow the instructions to apply for your place: you must login or register before you are able to complete your application. 

You must be an experienced producer or series producer working in your first role since stepping up.

You must not be based in London or the South East.

While most questions in the application form are multiple choice or require short answers, seven questions will require longer answers. For your preparation, these questions are:  

  • Please tell us why you want to take part in the Series Producer Programme 2025.
  • Please tell us why you would be a good candidate for the Series Producer Programme 2025, outlining your ambitions, skills you have demonstrated in past productions and how you hope to benefit from the programme, highlighting any skills gaps or areas of personal development you would like to work on
  • Please tell us about your experience as a Producer/Series Producer and career progression to date, Where possible, please reference the areas around creativity, leadership, production, business as outlined in the marketing for this programme 
  • Please tell us about how you have tried to improve diversity within TV or how you think Series Producers can work with others to promote diversity and inclusion. 
  • Please tell us what you think are the key skills Executive Producers and Commissioners need from a brilliant Series Producer.
  • Which shows/series are you currently watching and enjoying and why?
  • Which 3 programme makers do you admire (and would love to receive a masterclass from in an ideal world!)?

You will also be asked to list your three most recent credits. When doing so, please follow this format: programme title, role, production company, broadcaster & broadcast date

You will also be asked to provide a supporting statement from a previous employer who has engaged your services as a producer or series producer.

We are happy to accept applications in any way that is accessible for you. For example, you can apply using a written, video or audio response. If you wish to submit this application in an alternative format, please contact for further guidance.

Judging information

Key dates

  • Application deadline – 23rd April 2025
  • Online interviews – w/c 12th May 2025
  • All applicants informed of the outcome of their application no later than – w/c 26th May 2025

Training dates

  • Session 1: 17th - 19th June Glasgow - In-person
  • Session 2: Getting the most out of Edinburgh TV Festival, online session – early August date TBC
  • Cohort attends Edinburgh International TV Festival: Aug 19th to 22nd
  • In person and online sessions will continue between September – January 2026.
TRC Media

TRC Media

We deliver expert training to individuals and businesses in the broadcast sector. We are a registered charity and non-profit organisation who offer professional development programmes, traineeships, short courses and workshops. We also host events such as Creative Breakfasts with senior Commissioning Editors including BBC, Channel 4, Channel 5, ITV, Sky and sVODs.

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