UK film & TV craft certificate: production assistant (scripted) 2023 (Yorkshire)
This course is part of Centre of Screen Excellence: Yorkshire, a ground-breaking pilot delivered by Screen Yorkshire and supported by ScreenSkills using National Lottery funding awarded by the BFI as part of the Future Film Skills programme.
The UK’s film and television production sector boom continues in 2023, with a seemingly never-ending appetite for production crew across the UK.
This five-month (March to July 2023) part time CoSE:Y production assistant course is an in-depth programme to ready trainees for new entry positions in the production team of fiction feature films and high-end television.
The programme is designed to equip participants with the necessary foundation skills and knowledge to confidently enter the workplace, with a clear sense of what is expected of them.
Who it's for
The course is entry level and is specifically targeted at trainees who have identified a career path in production assistance/management as their professional goal.
We are looking for trainees who bring a diverse range of experiences to the group and we actively encourage applicants from groups who are currently underrepresented in the film and television industries.
A keen, demonstrable interest in film and television is paramount. While no previous experience in the screen industries is necessary, here are some examples of the sort of experiences that would be useful to know about:
- Work experience with an administrative element – previous trainees have for example worked in a bank or in the pharmaceutical industries
- Experience in organising or helping with cultural events or film festivals
- Making short films with groups of friends in your spare time
- Experience as a runner or assistant in film and television
- Experience working in related industries such as theatre, publishing or journalism
- Film and TV training, either in a higher education or university setting
Applicants must be 18-years-old on 6 February, 2023 to apply for this course.
For students over this age there is a course fee of £2,000 which includes an admin fee, however you may be eligible for bursary support covering the majority of the course fee.
If you would like to apply for a bursary, please fill out the bursary application form linked to in the main application form when you submit. Payment plans are available for those paying their course fee.
What it covers
Trainees will train with Screen Yorkshire’s Centre of Screen Excellence: Yorkshire in Leeds.
Screen Yorkshire and the CoSE:Y team will deliver an introduction week designed to prepare the trainees for the specific requirements of production Aasistants in film and TV.
Trainees can expect to learn about their role within a department, the way departments interact with other departments during production, set etiquette, sustainability training and preparation for freelance life (including CV and application writing, tax, invoicing and networking).
As a trainee of Screen Yorkshire, we provide a real on set experience in collaboration with Leeds MetFilm School on a large filming project at the end of your course.
On completion of the certificate you will:
- Understand how to communicate effectively with colleagues in both prep and on location/set
- Be able to develop and maintain good working relationships during the production process
- Understand hazards and risks in the workplace and be able to evaluate and minimise risks
- Understand the nuances of production and post production and the role of the production department
- Be able to read, understand and contribute to key production paperwork (call sheets, movement orders, daily progress reports etc)
- Develop a basic understanding of technical equipment involved in production, and related issues
- Have a developed understanding of the principles of budgeting and scheduling and the implications for production
- Demonstrate an imaginative response to projects and production challenges
- Demonstrate an awareness of production issues related to sustainability and the environment
- Be able to operate effectively as a freelance worker
How to apply
Applications are open until Monday 6 February, 2023. Applications received after this date will not be considered.
If for any reason you need to submit your application by an alternative method or have any other queries then please contact
You may be invited to a phone/online interview between 20 February – 10 March.
Successful applicants will be offered a place by the end of March and will be expected to accept within three days of the offer. We will endeavour to contact everyone who applies, however due to the number of applications we receive, if you have not heard from us by then please assume you have not been offered a place on one of the courses.
For more information, and to apply click here