Ace Ruele - actor, character developer and motion capture director

Ace Ruele explains that having a portfolio career gives him different streams of income and satisfies him creatively.


Ace Ruele is an actor who now works at the cutting edge of mocap, developing creatures and fantasy characters for games, film and TV.  Through his company, Creature Bionics, he has pioneered a range of digital character-development services.  He devises creatures, creates rigs, trains actors, casts actors and provides the kits through which games, film and TV can produce them.

“As an actor, you just have to wait to get hired,” says Ace. “With Creature Bionics, I sell rigs, I run workshops, I get hired for workshops, I do acting, I cast for acting, someone might hire my mocap system…so I have different streams of income.”

Ace also finds it very satisfying creatively: “The reason why I love it is because, how I am as an individual, if I do something over and over and over again, I switch off, so having the diversity keeps be alive, it keeps me running.”

This video was created by ScreenSkills as part of campaign, funded by Arts Council England, to encourage freelancers to build portfolio careers by using their skills in more than one creative industry or genre. 

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