Darya Tretyak on taking part in a screen apprenticeship

Darya Tretyak on taking part in a screen apprenticeship

Why did you choose an apprenticeship?

I chose the apprenticeship because I couldn’t find a different route into production. I had limited experience and people weren’t willing to take a chance on me at the time, especially as I didn’t drive. ScreenSkills promised real industry placements while supporting me to learn so it felt a lot less intimidating. 

Why did you want to join the screen industry?

It combines all of my favourite things! Firstly, I love it as an art form but I also love the work ethic, the way you never know what the day will bring or the people you will meet. It’s a varied industry that always keeps you on your toes so you’re never bored.

What were your highlights from the apprenticeship?

The main highlight for me was all the people I’ve worked with, I’ve made some lifelong friends through this. Getting my first on-screen credit was also super exciting and being able to walk away with a very full CV felt amazing.

Has this encouraged you to further a career as a production coordinator?

Strangely, no. I think it gave me something more important. I’ve been wanting to learn the production process since entering the industry and though I’ve learnt a lot and had a great time I recognised that the production pathway (in the conventional way) wasn’t for me. It’s something I’m glad I learnt sooner rather than later and I wouldn’t have been able to do so without spending a considerable amount of time in the role.

Why would you recommend apprenticeships to others looking to start their screen careers?

Why not? You are guaranteed work within your chosen department and with respectable companies. You learn and you make connections. You are supported throughout the way without it feeling overwhelming. You are put into situations which you could have never imagined you’d be in. Mainly, you are prepped for the industry in whichever capacity that may be. There are very few downsides!

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