Yu Sun is an animation filmmaker and animated AR experience creator from China, now based in the UK and China. Before she started to study animation(ma) at London college of communication(Ual), she worked as a senior concept artist in game and animation industry for three years.
Her aim is to explore the various possibility of animation in mixed media and how can we tell and understand others' experiences through traditional, experimental, and immersive animation. From hand embroidery to Augmented Reality, she keeps pushing boundaries to shape her unique visual language and storytelling skills. Her ma graduation film Stay wins The Norman McLaren awards for British Short Animation at the 75th Edinburgh International Film Festival(2022) and Best Innovation Award at Animation Academy Awards of Beijing Film Academy(2022). She has been researching for her next short film.
For work: She does commissioned animations and AR artworks. Her recent client is Ashmolean museum and she has worked for projects funded by Barbican centre and British council. She also gives lessons at Lcc as a visiting practitioner.
ScreenSkills Training Passport
Yu sun has completed the following modules within the ScreenSkills Training Passport.
Animation filmmaker, Animated AR experience creator
For work: She does commissioned animations and AR artworks. Her recent client is Ashmolean museum and she has worked for projects funded by Barbican centre and British council. Details are included in CV.
Visiting practitioner
Temporary lecturer
Presenting my film Love yourself and teaching Spark AR to MA animation students(21/22) in Lcc
Concept artist
Working with directors, art directors and producers. Designing characters and landscapes for 3D animation series and movies at pre-production stage
Education and training
Storyboarding for Animators
ScreenSkills Funded
Master Animation