Family Tree Makers Support

Family Tree Makers Support

Looking for opportunities

United States
Career stage:


  • Animation


Fixing Broken Media Links In FTM 2019 is essential for preserving your family's story accurately. The software simplifies this task by offering an intuitive interface. Navigate to the media section, identify the broken links, and opt to repair them. By locating the missing files on your computer, Family Tree Maker swiftly restores the connections, ensuring your family tree remains vividly illustrated and comprehensive.

ScreenSkills Training Passport

Family Tree Makers Support has completed the following modules within the ScreenSkills Training Passport.

Tackling harassment and bullying at work

Safeguarding for all: basic awareness for the screen industries

Find out more about the ScreenSkills Training Passport
Family Tree Makers Support

Family Tree Makers Support

Looking for opportunities

United States
Career stage:


  • Animation