Kevin Barnes

Kevin Barnes

Character Animator - Graphic Artist - Illustrator - 3D/2D

Career stage:


  • Animation

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09/06/2021 - Update - Summer Training at Framestore VFX. I'm really pleased to be joining Framestore VFX Studios, Lunchpad:Pro Animation Internship program this June for 12 weeks which may lead to a full time job (fingers crossed) I feel very lucky to have been accepted. This is a great opportunity for me, a big thanks to ScreenSkills Bursary

25/03/2021 - Since The first Covid19 UK lockdown in March 2020 I have invested in re-training and updating my animation skills. During that summer I completed AN01 MAYA Animation Basics with Animation Mentor, the online Character Animation School.

With the help of ScreenSkills bursary I have now completed AN02 and AN03 MAYA Character Animation - Advanced Body Mechanics. Please follow the website link above to my Dropbox Directory if you wish to consider my work. Thankyou.

My intention is to secure a role as Character Animator in Feature or TV production in Feb/March 2021.

Maya Animation only for the moment and principally Body Mechanics.

ScreenSkills Training Passport

Kevin Barnes has completed the following modules within the ScreenSkills Training Passport.

Tackling harassment and bullying at work

Safeguarding for all: basic awareness for the screen industries

Find out more about the ScreenSkills Training Passport
Kevin Barnes

Kevin Barnes

Character Animator - Graphic Artist - Illustrator - 3D/2D

Career stage:


  • Animation

Download CV