09/06/2021 - Update - Summer Training at Framestore VFX. I'm really pleased to be joining Framestore VFX Studios, Lunchpad:Pro Animation Internship program this June for 12 weeks which may lead to a full time job (fingers crossed) I feel very lucky to have been accepted. This is a great opportunity for me, a big thanks to ScreenSkills Bursary
25/03/2021 - Since The first Covid19 UK lockdown in March 2020 I have invested in re-training and updating my animation skills. During that summer I completed AN01 MAYA Animation Basics with Animation Mentor, the online Character Animation School.
With the help of ScreenSkills bursary I have now completed AN02 and AN03 MAYA Character Animation - Advanced Body Mechanics. Please follow the website link above to my Dropbox Directory if you wish to consider my work. Thankyou.
My intention is to secure a role as Character Animator in Feature or TV production in Feb/March 2021.
Maya Animation only for the moment and principally Body Mechanics.
ScreenSkills Training Passport
Kevin Barnes has completed the following modules within the ScreenSkills Training Passport.