EdgeNext EdgeNext

EdgeNext EdgeNext

Looking for opportunities

Career stage:


  • Film


EdgeNext is an innovative and independent edge cloud service provider with a global footprint, covering 300+ cities and regions, specializing in regional cloud delivery in China, APAC, and MENA. With its integrated edge cloud platform, the Company offers products and services that can combine “network + security + computing” into a single complete solution. The platform unifies infrastructure, security acceleration, and edge computing services with core solutions such as CDN, Streaming, Web Application Firewall, Anti-DDoS Protection, DNS Security, Edge Cloud Server, Bare Metal Server, and more.

ScreenSkills Training Passport

EdgeNext EdgeNext has completed the following modules within the ScreenSkills Training Passport.

Tackling harassment and bullying at work

Safeguarding for all: basic awareness for the screen industries

Find out more about the ScreenSkills Training Passport
EdgeNext EdgeNext

EdgeNext EdgeNext

Looking for opportunities

Career stage:


  • Film