Make a Move - film

Make a Move encourages on-the-job training of crew members identified by the production as ready to move up into a more senior role.

Make a Move - film
Image: Layla, Layla Film Limited

Productions contributing to the Film Skills Fund are eligible for funding to support an individual taking a step up in their career across all departments.

At the end of their training, the professional will be in, or be able to apply for, the new grade in which they have been working.

Productions can access up to £15,000 to fund an individual receiving training if stepping up to a head of department role. For all other step up roles, productions can access up to £10,000 per individual.

For more information, please contact Katie Cummings.

An example of ‘moves’ could be a production coordinator moving up to a production manager, first assistant sounds to sound mixer or an individual moving from unscripted TV to film. Make a Move can apply to any job grade other than a trainee position.

Make a Move funding can be used for:

  • Short courses
  • Mentoring
  • Travel and accommodation expenses
  • Shadowing
  • Salary​​​

​Make a Move funding can’t be used for:

  • Retrospective claims. Please apply for funding before your prospective candidates join your team to allow us at least two weeks to process the associated paperwork.
  • Individuals who are already working within the grade they are moving up to unless there is a robust case that the step up will mean that they are working differently (ie moving from factual or film).
  • Individuals who have been supported by Make a Move in the last two years.
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