The HR Toolkit is designed to support best practice and make the implementation of the guidelines as easy as possible. Here are all the resources and downloadable templates you need, from recruitment to onboarding and offboarding.
ScreenSkills also provides free online short courses* across a huge range of topics, which you are encouraged to share with your teams and colleagues. By providing this information, you endorse the importance of continued professional development and may therefore help your colleagues feel more able to prioritise their own development.
Discover the courses that can support you in implementing good people practices here. These include:
- Equality and inclusion essentials
- Anti-bullying and harassment training
- Introduction to disability, access and inclusion
- Mastering giving feedback
*Please note that these are currently open to those working in Unscripted TV only.
Free HR 1-2-1 guidance sessions are available on request. Please email to book in an online session with Lisa Balderson (Assoc. CIPD), freelance HR consultant (film and TV specialist).
- Job description template
- Job description example
- Candidate scoring matrix
- Reference request template
- Feedback template
- Exit interview template
- Working well with me (Film & TV Charity)
- Access rider (Channel 4)
- Manual of Me
- Equality and diversity monitoring form (Acas)
- Acas
- Checking your employment rights
- Right to work checks
- Data Protection Act 1998
- Data Protection Act 2018
- Data protection and your business -
- Disciplinary and dismissal policy
- Employment Rights Act 1996
- Equality Act 2010
- Equality Act 2010: Essential guide
- Equality and Human Rights Commission: Employers’ Statutory Code of Practice for employers
- Equality and Human Rights Commission: What equality law means for you as an employer
- Film + TV Charity - supporting your team
- Grievance policy
- Health and safety policy
- HMRC - Employment Status Manual
- Immigration, Asylum and Nationality Act 2006
- National Minimum Wages Act 1998
- Pact- TV Diversity Monitoring form
- Reasonable adjustments at work
- Skills assessment -
- Transfer of Undertaking (Protection of Employment) Regulations 2006
- Working Time Regulations 1998