
Sound editor (Post-production)

Also known as: Track layer

Sound editor (Post-production)

What does a sound editor do?

Sound editors, sometimes known as track layers because of the task they perform, systematically work through films checking the sound of each sequence – dialogue, music and sound effects – and ensuring it all comes together perfectly in sync.

After the pictures have been put together and finalised in the edit, the files are prepared for the dub, where the final sound is mixed. But before this happens, it goes through a stage known as ‘track laying’. Not every film will need track laying.  Some, such as a three-minute insert in a magazine programme, may go straight to the dub from the picture edit, but full-length dramas or documentaries almost always require the skills of a sound editor to perform an audio track lay. 

The sound editor has the best audio tools in the house. They have lots of different sources to deal with: dialogue from location and dialogue from the ADR sessions, plus location sound effects and effects downloaded from audio libraries, as well as any Foley sound effects that have been created. They also have to lay-in music, both specially composed and from music libraries.

The sound editor looks at every moment in the film to check all the effects are doing the right job. Is the slamming of a car door loud enough? Is the firing of a machine gun powerful enough? Does the sound of a baby crying sound realistic? If the effects don’t have enough impact, the sound editor may decide to change them or add to them. 

Even with all these audio clips there can still be gaps in the soundtrack and the sound editor needs to fill them in. It could be the background effects vanish just before a scene ends, so if that’s the case the sound editor will decide whether to extend the effects track or add some new effects in order that the dubbing mixer can make a smooth transition between scenes. 

Once every track is in place, with no gaps and the right effects, the sound editor passes the film on to the dub, where the sound mixer or dubbing mixer does the final mix.

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What’s a sound editor good at?

  • Understanding sound: know how it behaves, how we hear, how sound can be manipulated and distorted
  • Using audio software: have an in-depth knowledge of the audio editing software and an appetite for continuously learning new and more efficient ways of using it
  • Imagination: be able to create a soundscape that feels right for the film, programme or game
  • Attention to detail: work alone with a complex set of tracks, ensuring each clip is in sync with the pictures and is as accurate as possible to what is being seen
  • Collaboration: pick up the tracks from the picture edit and be able to anticipate the needs of the dubbing mixer, ensuring they have all the tracks they need

Who does a sound editor work with?

Track laying itself is a solitary task, but sound editors must communicate with the picture editor and dubbing mixer.