Watch an episode of popular animated series, Corpse Talk, a production that welcomed two trainees from the Animation Trainee Finder programme. The ScreenSkills initiative provides new entrants to the industry with paid placements in 2D, 3D and stop motion animation productions across the UK.
After undergoing an industry induction, two of this year’s 20-strong cohort, were placed on production of Tiger Aspect’s dead famous series, Corpse Talk. Alison Loke and Isaac Linkens joined the production of the popular YouTube series working in roles identified as the sector as shortage areas.
Elani O’Keefe, production executive at Tiger Aspect, said: “Using Trainee Finder on our animated series Corpse Talk was a very positive experience. The two animation trainees that joined us were enthusiastic and extremely keen to learn as much as possible. It was a real pleasure to offer them a real experience of working on a production, receiving Celaction software training, and being part of the animation teams. I’m sure the help they gained in seeing how a production pipeline worked in real time, will benefit them hugely in future roles.”
The initiative extends the highly respected trainee finder programmes across film and high-end TV that have helped develop the careers of crew members looking to work in the screen industry. Each of the placements are subsidised by the Animation Skills Fund for the participating production company and prove hugely popular among those on the programme.
Animation trainee Alison Loke said: "I had a great experience with my traineeship at Tiger Aspect. Everyone was friendly and so willing to share their knowledge of the industry! I felt I was in good hands and learnt a lot from them. They made sure we were always comfortable asking questions and I got to connect with different artists in the industry from all over the country! The Animation Trainee Finder is a great programme for new artists to get involve in and I definitely recommend anyone who is interested to apply. There are a vast amount of new, talented artist waiting to get their foot in the door and are so willing to learn and hone their skills. I think more studios should take on trainees in the future as I think it is important to share the knowledge they have learnt over the years to keep sustaining the animation industry."
Productions interested in taking trainees and wanting to know more about the subsidy payments should contact Matt Brothers.