ScreenSkills launches new accelerator bursary

Image: Amanda Searle BBC, 42 Productions

To mark International Women’s Day, ScreenSkills has launched a bursary programme supported by the Adobe Foundation to empower women from minority ethnic backgrounds in the screen industries. As part of ScreenSkills’ wider commitment to equity, diversity and inclusion, the initiative will provide financial support for coaching and career development, helping to break down barriers and foster greater inclusion in the industry.


One bursary will be available for each of ScreenSkills' Skills Funds: Animation, Children’s TV, Film, High-end TV and Unscripted TV. Covering the cost of career coaching, the bursary will help recipients develop their skills, expand their networks and navigate career pathways in the screen industries. Coaching can be transformative, equipping individuals with the confidence and strategic guidance to progress in their careers and move into leadership roles.


The IWD 2025 campaign theme, Accelerate Action, highlights the urgency of achieving gender equality. At the current rate, full gender parity is projected to take until 2158 — approximately five generations — according to the World Economic Forum. This bursary programme aims to help accelerate progress by supporting underrepresented women in the screen sector.


Laura Mansfield, CEO of ScreenSkills, said: "Barriers women face in progressing their careers are multiplied for those from minority ethnic backgrounds and particularly for those seeking management or leadership roles. I’m delighted to announce that this new bursary programme, made possible with the generous support of the Adobe Foundation, will provide women from minority ethnic backgrounds across a range of genres with valuable coaching to progress their careers with confidence."


By reducing barriers to career progression, ScreenSkills aims to ensure the UK screen industries benefit from a wider range of perspectives and experiences.


Laura Mansfield added: "Empowering women from minority ethnic backgrounds is crucial for the growth and diversification of the UK's screen industries. This bursary programme aligns with our commitment to fostering talent and promoting inclusivity across the sector."


These new bursaries complements ScreenSkills wider bursaries offer available through our website and also further underlines our commitment to supporting professionals from under-represented communities.

Find out more

Read more about the bursary and how to apply

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