High-end TV scripted production paperwork

High-end TV scripted production paperwork
High-end TV scripted production paperwork
Module type
Estimated time
45 minutes
Career stages
Early, Experienced
High-end TV
ScreenSkills funded

This course is for scripted production office crew working in high-end TV (HETV). It will explain some of the key paperwork that you will come across on any given production, why it matters, what its function is and how to handle it.

This includes:

  • Script and schedule: script distribution, call sheets, progress reports and child licences
  • Accounts production: purchase orders, expense claims, floats and crew time cards
  • Legal documents: cast and crew bookings, supplier bookings and clearances
  • Insurance: policies and procedures, cast and motor paperwork

The module is aimed specifically at production secretaries, assistant production coordinators and production coordinators.

Audio only and easy read versions are available when you start the module.

This module was funded by the ScreenSkills High-end TV Skills Fund with contributions from UK high-end TV productions. It was created by Haremi with support from subject matter experts line producers Imogen Gay and Katie Player.



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