Microsoft Excel

Welcome to Excel is specifically designed for Screen professionals who need to use office-based software but haven't had the opportunity for formal training.
With 13 informative videos, you will be guided through Excel for PC and Mac, alongside downloadable templates to help you get hands-on experience.
Before you start, download this Expenses spreadsheet to use as part of the activities throughout this module.
By the end of this module, you will have gained knowledge on a range of functions, including sheets, ribbons, formulas, calculations reference cells, functions, absolutes, relatives, auto functions, SUMIF and more.
These videos will help you to create your own sheets to use as required.
With the Upskilling for Screen Professionals training programme, you will not only gain software skills, but also develop efficiencies in your working practices, build confidence and understand the benefits of using software collaboratively.
Note: you will need to have access to Microsoft Excel for either Mac or PC to complete the activities in this course.
Module content
By the end of the module, you will have gained knowledge in the following:
- What is a spreadsheet?
- Inputting data and using continuing sequences
- Formulas, adding, subtracting, multiplying, dividing and relative cells
- Relative and absolute references
- Text adjustments to make your sheet easier to use and share
- Formatting cells for different types of data such as text, dates, currency and percentages
- Copy, paste and move shortcuts
- Printing with headers, footers and page numbers
- Versions and autosave
- Calculating across different sheets within a workbook
- SUMIF, adding specific data within a certain criteria
- IF statements.
Bonus Content includes timesheet calculations.
The timesheet module is specifically for those requiring knowledge of creating formulas which will work out how many hours a crew member has done and being able to create specific IF functions to specify different rates of pay for unsocial hours. This module is advanced.