From script to screen: an introduction to how scripted content gets made- Under 18s edition

Graphic image of a large T-Rex dinosaur in front of a city skyline
Graphic image of a large T-Rex dinosaur in front of a city skyline
Module type
e-learning series
Estimated time
10 minutes per module
Career stages
Early, Experienced
Film, High-end TV
ScreenSkills funded

We have created this e-learning series with and for industry to ensure that people who are progressing in their careers have access to a host of useful learning and tips to help them understand more about how TV drama and comedy (scripted content) is made and the roles and responsibilities within it.

There are 12 modules to complete and a quiz to test knowledge gained at the end.

This short video gives you a taster of what to expect.


We have also created a handy glossary of the key words and phrases that will help those who are new to the screen industries, or early in their career, understand their role better. We recommend that you bookmark the glossary on your mobile device for easy reference in the workplace.


Important information about this e-learning series:

This series is designed for people under the age of 18 who do not have a ScreenSkills account. You will not receive a certificate to confirm you have completed the series. If you are over 18, we recommend you complete this version of From script to screen: an introduction to how scripted content gets made to receive your certificate.



ScreenSkills develops skills and talent to support the UK's screen industries.

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