Props master skills

On the set of period drama, a man stands holding a glass. He looks towards a large film camera.
Image: Jonathan Strange and Mr Norrell (c) BBC 2015

Overview of the role

The props master (PM) runs the property department which makes, stores and transports the props, and prepares the props for each day’s shoot. They work with production designers (PD), set decorators (SD) and art directors (AD) to confirm the props that are needed. They carry out research and then draw up properties lists, deciding in consultation with the set decorator which are to be hired and which are to be made. They create a dress and strike schedule to share with location and construction departments. Where props are to be made, the props master recruits the carpenters, artists and props makers, and manages the schedule for production. Where props are to be hired, the props master works in collaboration with the production buyers to source them. When shooting is finished, the props master returns all hired props and organises the sale or safe disposal of everything else.

Download the PDF version of this skills checklist.

Core responsibilities

These core responsibilities are provided as a guide and are not exhaustive. The exact responsibilities in a particular job will vary depending on the scale / budget band / genre of the production.


Check out role specific skills, transferable skills and attributes for the role of props master.

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