The High-end TV, Film and Unscripted Skills Funds are looking for an organisation or individual/s who can design and run a training programme for Encouraging good work practices programme for 200 professionals working in high-end TV production and craft and tech roles, 50 professionals from film and 20 professionals from unscripted TV.
Training for the UK high-end TV, film and unscripted industry is designed to address skills shortages and gaps and to help build a more inclusive workforce. This training is supported by the ScreenSkills High-end TV Skills Fund, Film Skills Fund and Unscripted TV Skills Fund (with contributions from productions companies, broadcasters and SVoDs in the UK).
Who can apply?
ScreenSkills welcomes applications from individuals, partnerships or organisations that have a proven track record of delivering successful industry-standard training projects.
We particularly welcome applications from providers based in the UK nations and regions, including partnerships between organisations and/or in partnership with freelancers who have had a career in HETV, film and unscripted.
The successful applicant will need to demonstrate their understanding of the ScreenSkills training requirements, including the diversity challenges facing the industry and must clearly demonstrate that they have the resources to track the career progression of participants beyond the life of the programme.
If applicants are already delivering similar training and can expand their offer to include the scope outlined below, they are also welcomed to apply.
Applicants must:
- demonstrate evidence of appropriate, recent engagement with the industry in the design and delivery of the programme
- meet critical diversity aims as outlined in this tender, including:
- making reasonable adjustments to the training (whether face-to-face, content or online and including during the application process) to make it accessible to a diverse audience – we will ask for evidence of your approach and implementation.
- having an equality policy in place as an employer
- having a monitoring system in place to track the diversity of the delegates, see this guide
- providing diversity and inclusivity training to facilitators – (see free ACAS online training).
- gather long-term destination data from the delegates to prove impact of training utilising the ScreenSkills monitoring questionnaire.
- develop a clear structure for the training, ensuring that it is outcome focused.
- discuss and agree with those taking part in the programme that they will provide feedback on the training if requested which could include providing ScreenSkills with a quote on their experience of the training.
Key requirements
The applicant must design, manage, market, recruit and deliver an encouraging good work practices training programme for 200 HODs or line managers working in production and craft and tech roles in high-end TV, 50 professionals working in film and 20 professionals working in unscripted TV.
The course should include:
- ensuring a good work/ life balance and encouraging good working practice in your teams.
- all aspects of developing personal and team resilience and well-being.
- developing trust and effective communication
- how to manage expectations from your team,
- focused sessions on conflict resolution, clarifying where the responsibility lies as an employer and employee.
All participants must complete the HETV’s wider leadership and management and managing mental health programmes.
The trainer would also be responsible for creating a padlet of resources and information at the end of the course for all the participants.
The High-end TV, Film and Unscripted Skills Funds are interested in hearing interpretations of how this programme can be delivered to reach a wide audience and encourage applicants to recommend further topic areas to enhance this training. The ScreenSkills’ Skills Checklists may be helpful.
We would expect this training and any related events to be delivered by December 2025.
Participant aims
The training should be for a minimum of 270 professionals based across the UK (100 HETV production, 100 HETV craft and tech roles, 50 film and 20 unscripted tv).
The following are the minimum diversity aims for this programme:
- At least 50% of beneficiaries based outside London
- 20% minority ethnic groups (ethnicity aim)
- 50% women (gender aim)
- 10% disability (disability aim)
- 10% LGBT (sexual orientation and gender identity aim)
ScreenSkills aims to go beyond legal diversity requirements and considers additional measures of inclusivity, including:
- employment status
- whether a person is returning to work following leave
- geographical location (including representation of nations and regions)
- socio-economic background.
Providing access to diverse crew and talent is key to our delivery objectives. All trainers and companies delivering programmes that are funded by the High-end TV, Film and Unscripted Skills Funds must meet the identified diversity requirements. If they fail to do so, they must show robust evidence of why a target has not been met. If diversity targets are not met, the project could be at risk of losing funding.
We require all programme participants to set up a ScreenSkills profile via our website which allows us to gather data and track beneficiaries.
Participants must complete their profile and diversity data before the training begins.
How to apply
At this stage we are requesting an expression of interest. Please complete this brief document outlining the key aspects of the proposed programme, how the key requirements of the training sessions will be met, information about the company and the provider’s capacity to deliver training.
If you have access requirements and would like an alternative way to submit your application, or would like any support in completing the expression of interest form, please email who will be happy to help.
How much can you apply for?
We are looking for bids of up to £80,000
All our funds are treated as grants and therefore are not applicable for VAT.
Please save your completed form with this naming convention: ‘EOI – encouraging good work practices programme – [Trainer/Training Company]’
Then submit the form via the register interest button below by Tuesday 4 February 2025.
If you are successful in being shortlisted, you will be required to submit an online application form and a budget.
Other useful information
If you progress to full application, we will expect you to detail your plans for ensuring the programme and application process are accessible including, but not limited to, alternative application formats, marketing and the delivery of training.
As part of accessibility, we expect your budget to include a reasonable bursary allocation for delegates who risk being excluded due to costs including, but not limited to, travel and caring responsibilities.
Please ensure that, where applicable, costs are shown in your budget inclusive of VAT.
If you would like to discuss any aspect of this tender, or your proposal, before submitting your Expression of Interest, please contact