London: Kings Place

ScreenSkills is committed to embedding inclusion into everything it does. These are the accessibility arrangements in place at Kings Place in London.

Kings Place Street View

Venue location

90 Work Way, London N1 9AG, close to King's Cross station.

Building information and facilities


There are three floors and one lift. The lift measurements are:

  • Width 1050mm (05m, 3.45ft)
  • Depth 1350mm (35m, 4.43ft)
  • Height 2200mm (20m, 7.22ft)
  • Maximum weight 630 Kg
  • Maximum capacity eight persons       

Stairs and steps

  • There are three levels at Kings Place: ground floor, gallery level (-1) and concert level (-2)
  • There is an escalator leading from the ground floor to the concert level
  • There are 30 steps leading from the ground floor to the gallery level; there have handrails on both sides of the staircase. Approx. 1.5 meters wide.
  • There are 24 steps leading from the gallery level to the concert level; there are handrails on both sides of the staircase. Approx. 1.5 meters wide.


There are two main sets of toilets located on the gallery and concert levels and disabled toilets can be found on each floor.

The venue has baby changing facilities on site and these are located on the gallery level (-1).

Assistance for guide dogs

The venue will provide water bowls and the nearest green space is across the road, opposite Waitrose, which is a five-minute walk.

Hearing aid induction loop

The venue has a hearing aid induction loop.

Flashing lights or strobe lighting

There are no flashing lights or strobe lighting at this venue.


Map of venue: Virtual Tour Link -

Event rooms:

Event rooms available:

  • The Battlebridge Room: ground floor
  • Gallery Room: gallery level (-1)
  • Wenlock Room: concert level (-2)
  • Horsfall Room: concert level (-2)
  • Limehouse Room: concert level (-2)

Wheelchair accessibility:

The venue is fully accessible for users with a wheelchair. The main entrance has a ramp/wheelchair access.


This information was provided on 20th October 2023