Visual effects (VFX) competencies for virtual production - production

Professional working with a computer in a virtual production set
Image: © Final Pixel

Learn about the skills and knowledge required to include virtual production in the VFX production area of work. These tasks are divided into two main functions: securing VFX work and producing VFX work, with further overall recommendations around collaborative working.

The following skills complement the wider competencies required within each of these functions to undertake more traditional VFX projects, which are detailed in the full National Occupational Standards.

Download a PDF version of these competencies.

Securing VFX work

Explore the main functions for this competency, the skills related to virtual production and what you need to know and understand.

1. Determine the brief for visual effects including the use of virtual production

2. Advise production from VFX perspective

3. Advise clients on a project considering the use of virtual production as an option

4. Cost a VFX project and negotiate with a client

5. Present bids and tenders

6. Further considerations when costing a VFX project

Skills and knowledge related to virtual production

Availability of staff and equipment is a key factor and issue, which a producer must consider when offering up or negotiating VP services. As the world of VP is changing so quickly, it is unclear how long staffing and equipment issues will remain this – depending on how long it takes to train people up with the right skills and have the tools and equipment available on a bigger scale.

7. Further considerations when presenting bids and tenders

Skills and knowledge related to virtual production

With VP in the mix, the actual bidding and tendering process could extend and/or could get complicated. If a client asks for bids for an end-to-end process – from art department to final film – then there’s a lot more to account for, particularly in studios where you are using the same resources when it comes to artists/production across pre-vis and production stages.

Producing VFX work

Explore the main functions for this competency, the skills related to virtual production and what you need to know and understand.

1. Develop budgets for VFX work

2. Plan and schedule resources

3. Monitor workflow

4. Monitor work against schedule

5. Monitor profitability

6. Further considerations when planning production of VFX work

Skills and knowledge related to virtual production

This relates closely to competencies for costing and negotiating VFX work and advising clients (see above) – have to maintain a level of being realistic: VP is not a magic solution and decision-making should always keep the best interest of the client at the forefront, even if they come in asking for VP. If this route doesn’t best serve their desired outcomes, this needs to be communicated.

7. Further considerations when securing suitable vendors and contractors

Skills and knowledge related to virtual production

This process will not change as a result of VP. We considered creating a list of vendors for VP equipment and tech support but as this could change on a daily / weekly basis, decided this was not worthwhile.

Collaborative working

As virtual production brings the use of VFX forward into the pre-production and on-set production phases of workflow, more collaborative working between VFX practitioners and colleagues in other departments is now essential. VFX practitioners can make fewer decisions in isolation without involving other departments more closely.

Explore the competencies:

Visual effects (VFX) competencies for virtual production - quality monitoring

Visual effects (VFX) competencies for virtual production - creation

Virtual production and visual effects - an introduction