Lesson plan

This is a detailed plan of the lesson that can be taught in three hours or extended as part of a longer project. It's designed to be used with the lesson slides and the pupil resource sheets.
Download VFX lesson plan (Word).
Lesson slides

These slides, in the form of a PDF, are designed to be used in the main lesson activity and for the evaluation and plenary. For best results view the slides full screen.
Download VFX slides (PDF).
Careers in the VFX industry

You might want to use our VFX career map when explaining different roles. You can print this PDF on A3 paper or you can scroll through the different roles on our website: VFX job profiles.
Download Careers in the VFX industry (PDF).
Evaluation sheet

Download the evaluation sheet on A4 and print one for each pupil so they can evaluate and consolidate their learning.
Download Evaluation sheet (PDF).