The ScreenSkills website is designed to help people get in and get on in their careers.
Browse our industry-recognised e-learning, courses, events and programmes in our training and opportunities directory. You can also explore our wealth of resources to support your career such as job profiles, case studies, bursaries and mentoring.
But did you know that registering a free ScreenSkills account unlocks even more benefits tailored to you?
Create your profile and you will get a personalised experience of the website. You will see all of the training, resources and news relevant to your own career stage and industry. You won’t even need to search for them.
Register your account
Creating your ScreenSkills account is completely free
You’ll also be able to see at a glance which of our industry-recognised free e-learning courses you’ve completed and which have expired. All of your training certificates will be listed on your profile and easily downloadable to share with potential employers.
You can choose to upload your CV and become part of our community of screen professionals. Making your profile public means that your details can be seen by prospective employers looking to recruit for vacant jobs.
Our job is to help you. ScreenSkills is the industry-led skills body for the screen industries. We train the people who make the shows the whole world loves. We invest in the UK screen industries’ global success by supporting a skilled and inclusive workforce.
Note: You must be 18 or over to register a ScreenSkills account.